IIS - definitie. Wat is IIS
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Wat (wie) is IIS - definitie

IIS (disambiguation)

Intelligence Information System (Reference: mil.)
[Additional explanations: fraunhofer] Institut fuer Integrierte Schaltungen (Reference: org.)
Internet Information Server (Reference: MS)



IIS may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor IIS
1. main types, the Ia's Type IIs.
Supernovae, Exoplanets, Black Holes _ Alex Filippenko _ Talks at Google
2. his book, “When the Headline Iis You”.
An Insider's Guide to Handling the Media _ Jeff Ansell _ Talks at Google
3. CHRISTIAN SLATER: But the question iis--
Robot _ Christian Slater & Sam Esmail _ Talks at Google
4. ìIs this stuff actually gonna work?î
CIOs at Work _ Ed Yourden _ Talks at Google
5. By the way, they were building cards for Apple IIs.
The Success Equation - Untangling Skill and Luck _ Michael Mauboussin _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor IIS
1. QUESTION:В The group IIS, David Albrights group, the International Institute of Science - MR.
2. In Dammam, the community celebrated the event at the IIS–Dammam.
3. Program Convener and Principal of IIS Dammam Mohammed Shaffe welcomed the guests and participants.
4. QUESTION:'4; The group IIS, David Albright‘s group, the International Institute of Science – MR.
5. The celebration this time was without the traditional hoisting of the flag at the IIS–Jeddah.